Diuretic hormone analogue [3H]

0,00 €
Diuretic hormone analogue [3H]
(Manduca sexta, the tobacco hornworm)
Baldwin D., Schegg K.M., Furuya K., Lehmerg E. and Schooley D.A. (2001) Isolation and identification of a diuretic hormone from Zootermosis nevadensus Peptides 22, 147-152.
Shipped in Dry Ice

Mehr Informationen
Molar Weight Nicht verfügbar
Radionuklid H-3
Specific Activity 60-90 Ci/mmol
2.22-3.33 TBq/mmol
Radioactive Concentration 1 mCi/ml
Nukleotid Nicht verfügbar
Shipping Condition Ships cooled
Storage Solution Ethanol
1 mCi/ml
Storage Temperature Store at -20°C
Purity Description Nicht verfügbar
Supplier ARC-USA
Size 50 µCI
HARTMANN ANALYTIC, Tel: +49 - 531 – 260 280, Fax: +49 – 531 – 260 28 28, E-Mail: info@hartmann-analytic.de